(subject) + (verb) + 11 pm = breaking news

This simple formula for making news story titles has been the weakness of channel surfers since the beginning of time. A single sentence that is enough for people to keep jumping back to one channel to see what it's all about.

But in actuality, it's the overexcited cover up for a mediocre story that doesn't actually air till 11:27pm. Even if it was said to be "NEWS at 11pm," these thrilling stories are delayed to keep the audience coming back. If they are already hooked, why not take advantage of them seeing the other stories on that channel? That's the thought process of most news channels today.

Stories like Glow in the Dark Cats and Squirrels Going Nuts continue flood the media and even fuel the mass stereotype that what the people want to see are funny animal videos. https://www.kcra.com/article/watch-these-squirrels-go-nuts/25801921

Is it okay that every story follows this same routine? Give the audience animal stories for views. Use pop culture reference to keep the views high. Use exciting words to make an average picture seem like breaking news. These news stations know that people need constant stimulant of entertainment to keep their attention, so all they have to do is fill in the blanks for the story to write itself.


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